Take a look at the Business Leaders’ Health and Safety Forum’s world-leading resources and case studies to support leaders and organisations make sense of their role in supporting mentally healthy work.
Making sense of the CEO’s role
Framework: Workplace mental health and wellbeing is an area of increasing focus for CEOs. But many are unsure of what they should be doing in this space. To support them, the Forum commissioned a framework for CEOs and organisations to use to make sense of their role in managing mental health and wellbeing at work. This guide was developed by Dr Hillary Bennett at Leading Safety.
Mental Wellbeing at Downer
CEO video case study: Former CEO of Downer NZ, Steve Killeen, talks about his company’s approach to mental wellbeing at work, and why he sees improving mental wellbeing at work as an opportunity, not just an obligation.
Leading psychological safety
Resource: This short guide introduces leaders to the concept of psychological safety at work, what it actually means, and how they can create psychological safety in their organisations. Produced for the Forum by Leading Safety’s Dr Hillary Bennett.
Protecting mental wellbeing at work
Framework: This guide supports organisations to bring their workers together to understand the factors that may be protecting, or harming mental wellbeing at work, and to have conversations about designing ‘good work’.
Understanding mental wellbeing at EPA
CEO video case study: The Environmental Protection Authority (EPA) wanted to truly understand the mental wellbeing risks faced by their people at work. To do so, they used the Forum’s Protecting Mental Wellbeing at Work Guide throughout their organisation. Watch the video to see what they learnt.
Investing in the leadership team’s wellbeing
CEO case study: In 2022, CEO of Frost Fans, Andrew Priest, put his senior leadership team through the Forum and Leading Safety’s Be Well programme, part of the Be Well to Lead Well course, to support them to understand how their wellbeing impacts their leadership at work.
The effectiveness of wellbeing interventions
Resource: So, you’ve made a start and put in place some interventions to support mental wellbeing at work. But, are they working? This short paper looks at recent international and national research into what’s working, and what’s not – when it comes to mental wellbeing at work.
Measuring mental wellbeing at work
Leaders guide: This will help CEOs, senior executives and health and safety managers to understand how mental wellbeing activity in their organisations can be assessed and monitored, to improve mental wellbeing outcomes for people.
Redesigning work
Framework + case studies: If your organisation is now at the point where it understands the factors that protect and harm people’s mental wellbeing at work, this resource and accompanying case studies will support you to design and test interventions to redesign work and promote mental wellbeing. Designed by Renee Jaine at Thrive Lab alongside Forum members in 2023.
For more information click here.
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