Manufacturing News – August 2023

Manufacturing News – August 2023

Amidst the challenges that New Zealand manufacturers are currently facing, it’s important to acknowledge the resilience and innovation that continue to shine through.
Manufacturing News – August 2023

Manufacturing News – July 2023

In this months newsletter, it is your last opportunity to register for the ExportNZ All of Government Roadshow. This free series of events kicked off this week and has had great feedback so far, is designed to give exporters and businesses the opportunity to hear from...
Manufacturing News – August 2023

Manufacturing News – June 2023

In this months newsletter, you can register for the ExportNZ All of Government Roadshow. This free series of events is designed to give exporters and businesses the opportunity to hear from our partners about how they are supporting exporters and give you the space to...
Manufacturing News – August 2023

Manufacturing News – May 2023

This month we delve into the latest Performance Manufacturing Index (PMI) figures, providing you with an analysis of the industry’s performance and trends, as well as looking at these comparatively to our trading partners.