ManufacturingNZ is a division of BusinessNZ. Through our nationwide network we can provide the knowledge, information, contacts, training, support and services to help you grow your manufacturing business.
Our Executive Director Joshua Tan is dedicated full time to working on behalf of New Zealand manufacturers and exporters, communicating their business challenges to politicians, policy makers, the media and the public.
New Zealand’s manufactured exports make up around 85% of all merchandise exports from this country. The sector is steadily moving towards more innovative and specialised goods and services that earn higher export revenues.
Manufacturing forums and policy research and advocacy are a key part of BusinessNZ’s representation of the manufacturing sector – eg working to improve government procurement so manufacturers have better opportunities to win tenders.
Tools on this site that manufacturers will find helpful include:
Directory of contract manufacturers
The latest news, information, training and events
Our Newsletter highlighting current news and opportunities for manufacturers
PMI - monthly survey which provides the most accurate and timely data about manufacturing
Our Partners
Business Central
Business Central includes ExportNZ regions in the lower half of the North Island.
Business Canterbury
Business South
Business South - Otago Chamber & Southern Employers includes ExportNZ regions in the lower half of the South Island.
The Buy New Zealand Made Campaign began in 1988. Its emphasis has shifted over the years, but the basic aim of encouraging consumers and organisations to buy New Zealand goods. Read More...
ExportNZ, also a division of BusinessNZ, aims to bring exporters relevant and useful information about the international marketplace.
Committed to New Zealand's success by promoting sustainable growth through free enterprise. BusinessNZ is New Zealand's largest advocacy group for enterprise, and champions policies
Affiliated Industries Group (AIG)
Our Affiliated Industries Group (AIG) currently has over 70 member industry associations, and incorporates regional employers' and manufacturers' organisations.
Our Roles
ManufacturingNZ is a division of BusinessNZ – New Zealand ‘s largest business advocacy group. Our goal is to create the best possible operating environment in which manufacturers can thrive and grow. We do this through the following activities.
Access To Markets
Through our partners and regional member organisations, we’re able to offer your business assistance with access to both domestic and international markets, whether it be exporting, importing and other matters related to your business here and overseas.
The Buy New Zealand Made Campaign began in 1988. Its emphasis has shifted over the years, but the basic aim of encouraging consumers and organisations to buy New Zealand goods.
ExportNZ, also a division of BusinessNZ, aims to bring exporters relevant and useful information about the international marketplace. Its key objectives are to: provide effective advocacy and lobbying on behalf of exporters; inspire New Zealand firms to engage in exporting to expand their business horizons and grow internationally; and provide practical support programmes and networking events to help firms achieve these goals.
Guides & Publications
A wide range of free and member only guides and publications from BusinessNZ and our partner organisations. Stay informed on industry trends and expert opinion, as well as having access to useful guides and policies to help manufacturers grow and thrive.
Lobbying & Advocacy
Lobbying forms a key part of our role in representing New Zealand business. As manufacturers comprise a significant part of the membership of BusinessNZ’s regional business organisations, we can lobby local and central government as a collective voice and champion policies that allow New Zealand businesses like you to succeed.
Joshua Tan is ManufacturingNZ’s national spokesperson.